UPS School to Work
Suggested Grade Level: 12
Prerequisites: 2.5 cumulative G.P.A. Counselors/Teachers recommendation; student must be on schedule to graduate with class and have good attendance. Student must complete an interview with a UPS representative and be selected for the program.
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 4.0
Course Description: The UPS School-to-Work program in Louisville, Kentucky began in 1996 as a community service initiative designed to give high school seniors an opportunity to gain valuable work experience as well as earn college credits by taking preliminary college courses. Students in the program attend classes at their high school in the morning, work at UPS as package handlers from approximately 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and take a Jefferson Community and Technical College course twice a week in the UPS classroom. All students are required to be 17 years old prior to start, have a minimum grade point average of 2.5, good attendance, and a recommendation from their school counselor before entering the program. As a UPS employee, the students receive a benefits package that includes health coverage, a 401K plan, vacation pay, and a starting salary of $10.35 an hour. The School-to-Work program has been chosen to serve as a feeder program for Metropolitan College – a program created to recruit approximately 2,200 of the 6,000 additional workers needed to support the UPS hub expansion in Louisville. Metropolitan College is a virtual university facilitated by UPS, college education and a part-time job at UPS. As students graduate from the School-to-Work program the University of Louisville and Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC) that offers students a free they are encouraged to pursue a college career via a seamless transition into the Metropolitan College program. At any time during the school year, this privilege may be suspended due to academic or behavior concerns.