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KY School Report Card for Oldham County High School  |  Proficient in Reading: 40%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 21%  |  Proficient in Math: 35%  |  Distinguished in Math: 23%

JCTC College Dual Credit

Application Process

In order to receive college dual credit through Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC), you must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher at the end of your sophomore year.  Students will not officially know if they are accepted until late June/early July - when schedules are released. Behavior, attendance and teacher recommendations will be taken into consideration. You must be in good standing and on grade level to be eligible for the junior college core program, and have an A in your current reg. English and Social Studies course, or B in AP courses, at the time of application.

Junior College Core Program 

*Application required

*Courses are taken at OCHS with JCTC Professors

  • English 101 (3 hours)

  • History 109 (3 hours) - online

  • Sociology 101 (3 hours)

  • Humanities 120 (3 hours)

For a quick step by step guide and more information about the Junior College Core Program, read the following google slide deck of information.

*Students will be responsible for paying for their courses and they must apply for dual credit scholarship through KHEAA, it is not automatic. We will tell them when to do this. *All grades will be reflected on their high school transcript

*Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks. * Students will take HIS 109 (which will be online all year), ENG 101, SOC 101, and Hum 120 * They are responsible for regularly checking email and may be required to meet on their off days.

Junior College Core 2025-2026  

Senior College Core Program

*Must participate in the Junior College Core Program to be eligible

*All Courses are taken at JCTC - Carrollton Campus (must have own transportation)

* Students must take three courses in the fall and three courses in the spring in Carrollton at the JCTC Campus

*Courses available (not limited to): 

  • English 102 (3 hours)
  • Biology 112/113 (4 hours)
  • Biology 120/121 (4 hours)
  • Psychology 101 (3 hours)
  • Math 150 - College Algebra (3 hours)
  • Statistics 120 (3 hours)
  • COM 181 Basic Public Speaking (3 hours)
  • PSY 110 General Psychology (3 hours)
  • REL 130 Introduction to Comparative Religion (3 hours)

For a quick step by step guide and more information about the Senior College Core Program, read the following google slide deck of information 

Additional Information:

*Students must take/have taken Physics at OCHS prior to their senior year of high school. *Students  must complete this application to indicate interest in the program. *Students then can go online and complete the JCTC application.

Students need to choose the Carrollton Campus and write down their ID number and keep it. Students will be notified if they have been accepted into the Junior Core program in early June.

*Students will be responsible for paying for their courses and they must apply for dual credit scholarship through KHEAA, it is not automatic. We will tell them when to do this. * All grades will be reflected on their high school transcript. *Students not successful in the program first semester will be taken out of the core and will not take classes 2nd semester and will not be eligible for the senior core program. Their grades go with them in the OCHS classes. * Students are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks. * Students will take HIS 109 (which will be online all year), ENG 101, SOC 101, and Hum 120 * They are responsible for regularly checking email and may be required to meet on their off days.

Ms. Tanya Lutz, School Counselor, is the contact/liaison for the College Dual Credit Program.