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KY School Report Card for Oldham County High School  |  Proficient in Reading: 40%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 21%  |  Proficient in Math: 35%  |  Distinguished in Math: 23%

Creative and Performing Arts Academy (CAPAA) Program

Creative and Performing Arts Academy (CAPAA) Website (Click Link)

CAPAA Course Descriptions 

* courses are taken with a social studies class.  Senior year, program course is taken with Art Business and Entrepreneurship course

  • Musical Theatre
  • Technical Theatre
  • String Orchestra
  • Visual Arts (Juniors and Seniors only)
  • Art Business and Entrepreneurship (4th Year)

The Musical Theatre program is committed to providing students with a safe, nurturing environment where young artists feel secure in the knowledge that everyone is here to support one another. We celebrate the growth of our fellow ensemble members as much as we strive for personal growth. The program spends equal time developing the student’s skills as a singer, actor, and dancer. While in the program, students learn how to produce quality work in a fast-paced environment, proper rehearsal and performance etiquette, time management skills, communication skills, and how to work cooperatively in a group setting. Courses such as Musical Theatre Repertoire focusing on voice production, jazz/tap and ballet based on skill level, Elements of Music Theory, Acting for Musical Theatre and yearly juries will be offered as core curriculum. In addition, the courses offer practical guidance in college auditions. 

The String Orchestra program serves all students on traditional stringed instruments and can prepare advanced students for a range of music careers and for admission to music conservatories and colleges throughout the country. Every student will rehearse in large ensembles, small ensembles, and have the opportunity to explore solo work. Ear Training, and Theory supplement the core curriculum. Student success is our goal, so participation is dependent upon student readiness for each level/course and decided upon by CAPAA faculty. Hence, 9th graders could be placed in an upper ensemble if their skill dictates. Growth and development as a musician guide where our students are placed, not grade level. Each year brings numerous performance opportunities for the full string orchestra and multiple chamber ensembles. 

The Technical Theatre program prepares students to apply knowledge and skills to artistic, technical, and dramatic principals to communicate through theatrical methods. The program includes instruction in set design, lighting design, sound design, audio engineering, makeup design, scene painting, costume design, and production management. Career opportunities in technical theatre will be explored while students begin to prepare resumes and portfolios of their design experiences. 

The Visual Art program is for sophomores, juniors and seniors who want an emphasis on 3D work. Students will work side-by-side with professional teaching artists who will mentor them to achieve their artistic goals. Classes such as Ceramics, Intro to 3D, Sculpture, Metals, and Printmaking allow students to explore potential careers and postsecondary study in art or other visually related professions.

The Arts Business and Entrepreneurship class, the flagship course for all CAPAA seniors, emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurial thinking, engages students with the fundamentals of the arts business, and explores ways to influence and shape the industry’s future.

Students will also have the opportunity to earn their Social Studies credits along with their focus area instruction during their time at CAPAA.