Social Studies Courses
Social Studies Scope and Sequence
Graduation Requirement
Suggested Grade Level: 9
Prerequisite: None Max G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: Government and Civics is the study of citizenship responsibilities and government -- introduction; federal, state and local government; organization and function. It also covers the study of United States voting procedures; court operations; local, state and national lawmaking.
Graduation Requirement if not taking Integrated Social Studies
Suggested Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisite: A in 8th grade social studies and Teacher Recommendation
Max GPA: 5.0 (weighted) Credit: 1.0
Course Description: This course introduces students to the systematic study of the patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students will employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences. Students also learn about the methods and tools that geographers use in their science and practice.
Graduation Requirement
Suggested Grade Level: 10
Prerequisites: None
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: World History will utilize a chronological and a topical approach to learn the origins and the progression of civilization throughout our world. Students will review the beginning of civilization and follow this format up to the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Reason. The remainder of the course will be devoted to a wide range of concepts, events, issues, and ideologies that have influenced our world both past and present. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the vast cultural diversity that composes our world.
Graduation Requirement if not taking World Civilizations.
Suggested Grade Level: 10
Prerequisite: Integrated Social Studies Teacher Recommendation and an A in Integrated Social Studies or A or B in AP Human Geography
Max G.P.A.: 5.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: This course follows a curriculum developed by the College Board and prepares the students to take the Advanced Placement examination in World history for college credit. The expectations for students in this course will be above those of the regular curriculum and should only be accepted by those who are willing to meet them. The course will analyze events and concepts in World History from approximately 8,000 BCE to the present. Students will study the cultural, political-diplomatic and socio-economic development of the European nations up to, and including current issues as decided by the instructor. Students are required to take the A.P. exam upon completion of this course.
Graduation Requirement
Suggested Grade Level 11-12
Prerequisites: None
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: This course will focus on the critical components that have influenced the development of the United States. These will include: the influence of geographic and economic factors, immigration and diversity of culture, elements of industrial and political expansion, and the reform influence as a constant in our culture, and the development of domestic and foreign policy. These components will be complimented by specific historical periods and events from the Reconstruction period to the present.
Graduation Requirement if not taking U.S. History
Suggested Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisite: Social Studies Teacher recommendation and A in World Civilization or A or B in AP World History
Max G.P.A.: 5.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: This course follows a curriculum developed by the College Board and prepares students to take the Advanced Placement examination in American History for college credit. The expectations for students in this course will be above those of the regular curriculum and should only be accepted by those who are willing to meet them. The course will analyze events and concepts in American History from a chronological, co-relational, and developmental perspective. Various cultural aspects will also be included. Beginning with exploration and colonization, students will study America socially, politically, and economically up to, and including current issues as decided by the instructor. Students are required to take the A.P. exam upon completion of this course.
Graduation Requirement if not taking US History or AP US History
Offered through JCTC as part of the JCTC Junior CORE Program
Suggested Grade Level: 11
Prerequisite: A or B in World History*If selected to be part of the JCTC College Core, this course does meet the US History graduation requirement. Students are required to take the State EOC Assessment.
Max. GPA: 4.0 Credits: 1.0 semester long course
Course Description: Examine key political, economic, and social topics that have influenced significantly the American experience from Reconstruction through the contemporary era.* If students are not successful in their first dual credit semester, they will be moved out of the dual credit option second semester.