Science Scope and Sequence
9th Grade | 10th Grade | 11th Grade | 12th Grade |
Biology |
Intro to Chemistry Chemistry |
Intro to Physics Physics |
PreAP Biology AP Biology |
PreAP Chemistry AP Chemistry |
AP Physics |
Graduation Requirement
Suggested Grade Level: 9
Prerequisites: None
Max G.P.A: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: Students develop a conceptual understanding of biological sciences, as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards for Science. They experience concepts such as the cellular organization; molecular basis of heredity; biological change; interdependence of organisms; matter, energy and organization in living systems; and behavior of organisms. Students will learn these core ideas through the use of the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices are the tools students will use, and skills they develop, as they investigate the natural world, and develop solutions to problems. The crosscutting concepts are conceptual ways of thinking that cross the domains of science.
Graduation Requirement if not taking Biology 1
Suggested Grade Level: 9
Prerequisites: A in 8th grade science; Teacher recommendation
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: This course is designed for the college-bound student who wishes further investigation into the biological sciences. This course would help better prepare those students wishing to enroll in AP Biology in the future as well as fulfill the state requirement for a biological science. This course will examine such disciplines as genetics, evolution, ecology, microbiology, biotechnology, and DNA. In addition, the areas of plant biology, mammal anatomy, scientific method, invertebrates and cellular processes will be thoroughly investigated throughout the year. Extensive inquiry labs and student derived labs are an integral component of this rigorous course. Strong reading and writing skills are essential. This course also requires a strong math foundation and math reasoning skills in order to analyze and interpret data in a statistical manner. Only students motivated to do additional assignments and papers, including possible summer assignments, are encouraged to consider enrolling in this course.
Elective or Graduation Requirement if not taking Biology 1 or Pre-AP Biology 1
Suggested grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisites: A in Biology 1 or A or B in Pre AP Biology; Teacher Recommendation
Max. G.P.A.: 5.0 Credits: 1.0
Students completing this course are required to take the AP Exam.
Course Description: AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes — energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. College credit is earned with a qualifying score on an AP exam. Students planning on a medical or veterinary science career should strongly consider taking this course.
Graduation Requirement if not taking Chemistry 1
Suggested Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisites: Biology 1 and Algebra 1
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: Students develop a conceptual understanding of Chemistry and Earth/Space Science, as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards for Science, through the use of the science and engineering practices. They experience chemistry and Earth/space science concepts such as the structure of atoms, structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, geochemical cycles, and formation and ongoing changes of the universe. The use of the science practices describes the behaviors students will engage in as they investigate the natural world. Students will learn these core ideas within these topics through the use of the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices are skills students will use as they investigate the natural world and develop solutions to problems. The crosscutting concepts are conceptual ways of thinking that cross the domains of science.
Graduation Requirement
Suggested Grade Level: 10-11
Prerequisites: Algebra 1*A student wishing to take this course concurrently with Biology 1 may do so provided the following prerequisites are met: “A” in Algebra 1; recommendation from previous year’s science teacher.
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: This course focuses on problem solving techniques; bonding; equilibrium; equations. Students develop a conceptual understanding of chemistry content, outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards. Students will learn these core ideas within these topics through the use of the science and 211 engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices are skills students will use as they investigate the natural world and develop solutions to problems. The crosscutting concepts are conceptual ways of thinking that cross the domains of science.
Graduation Requirement if not taking Chemistry 1
Suggested Grade Level: 10-11
Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 (or taking Algebra 2 concurrently with Pre-AP Chemistry 1)
Max G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: The rigor of this course will prepare students for AP chemistry. This course goes deeper and farther into more complex content than regular Chemistry 1. This course focuses on problem solving techniques; bonding; equilibrium; equations. Students develop a conceptual understanding of chemistry content, outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards. Students will learn these core ideas within these topics through the use of the science and 211 engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices are skills students will use as they investigate the natural world and further develop solutions to problems. The crosscutting concepts are conceptual ways of thinking that cross the domains of science.
Elective or Graduation Requirement if not taking Chemistry 1 or Pre-AP Chemistry 1
Suggested Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisites: An “A” in Chemistry 1 or an “A” or “B” in Pre-AP Chemistry and Algebra II; teacher recommendation
Max. G.P.A.: 5.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: The AP Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore topics such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. College credit is earned with a qualifying score on an AP exam. Students who are interested in the medical field, pharmacy or chemical engineering are encouraged to take this course.
Graduation Requirement if not taking Physics 1
Suggested Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisites: Biology 1 and Chemistry 1; CERT Math benchmark scores/ACT Math benchmark scores will be utilized in addition to current math and science grades for placement. This course does not count as a math based course.
Max GPA: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: Students develop a conceptual understanding of physics and Earth/space science content, as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards for Science, through the use of the science and engineering practices. They experience physics and Earth/space science concepts such as motions and forces, conservation of energy and the increase in disorder, interactions of energy and matter, and energy in the Earth system. Students will learn these core ideas through the use of the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices are skills students will use as they investigate the natural world and develop solutions to problems. The crosscutting concepts are conceptual ways of thinking that cross the domains of science. For this course, the suggested sequence is Introductory Physics with Earth/Space Science, Introductory Chemistry with Earth/Space Science, and Introductory Biology with Earth/Space Science.
Graduation Requirement
Suggested Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisites: Geometry and Algebra 2 concurrently; CERT Math benchmark scores/ACT Math benchmark scores will be utilized in addition to current math and science grades for placement
Max. G.P.A.: 4.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: Students develop a conceptual understanding of physics as outlined in the Kentucky Academic Standards for Science. They experience concepts such as motions and forces, conservation of energy and the increase in disorder, interactions of energy and matter. Students will learn these core ideas through the use of the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices are skills students will use as they investigate the natural world and develop solutions to problems. The crosscutting concepts are conceptual ways of thinking that cross the domains of science.
Elective or Graduation Requirement if not taking Intro to Physics or Physics 1
Suggested Grade Level: 11-12
Prerequisites: “A” in Algebra 2 or “A/B” in Advanced Algebra 2 and Teacher Recommendation
Max G.P.A.: 5.0 Credits: 1.0
Course Description: AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: kinematics; dynamics; circular motion and gravitation; energy; momentum; simple harmonic motion; torque and rotational motion; electric charge and electric force; DC circuits; and mechanical waves and sound. College credit is earned with a qualifying score on an AP exam. This course does not count toward some colleges’ A.P. credit programs.