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KY School Report Card for Oldham County High School  |  Proficient in Reading: 40%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 21%  |  Proficient in Math: 35%  |  Distinguished in Math: 23%


Attendance Reporting Procedures

Please report all absences or tardies from school as soon as possible.  This may be done by calling the office at 502-222-9461 or sending an email to  Any absence or tardy from school must be accompanied by a Parent Note or Doctor Note.

If the absence is called in to the office, students are to bring a note the day of returning to school, whether Parent Note or Doctor Note, indicating the cause of the absence. 

An emailed notification of the absence must be sent from an email address on file with the school and will serve as a Parent Note.  This will be considered an Excused Absence from school, assuming the student has not exceeded the Parent Note maximum, which is eight Parent Notes per year.  Doctor Notes can also be emailed to or faxed to 502-222-0558. 

If the absence is due to a College Visit, the student must provide documentation from the college or university, preferably on the College or University Letterhead, verifying that the visit took place. 

If the absence is due to the death of a family member or close friend, a funeral card should be brought the day of returning to school.  A copy will be made in the office and the funeral card can be returned to the student. 

If a student will be leaving school early, you can call the school at 502-222-9461, send an email to or send a note to school with the student for early release. 

If you call the school for early release, the school will verify the last four of the parent/guardian SSN for identity.  If the last four of the SSN are not in Infinite Campus to be able to be verified, the parent/guardian will need to provide their driver's license for verification at the time of picking up the student. 

If an email is sent for an early dismissal, this also must be sent from an email address on file with the school and will serve as a Parent Note.  This will be considered an Excused Absence or Tardy from school, assuming the student has not exceeded the Parent Note maximum, which is eight Parent Notes per year.

If a note is sent to the school with the student for early dismissal, an OCHS Office Staff Member will call the parent/guardian for a verbal verification for authenticity of the note. 

Please also note that any absence that extends a holiday or school break will be considered an unexcused absence unless you provide a Doctor’s Note or the principal has given permission for the absence to be excused.  See district attendance policy OCBE Policy 9010.01 for more information. 

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the school at 502-222-9461 for clarification.