KY School Report Cardfor Oldham County High School | Proficient in Reading: 40% | Distinguished in Reading: 21% | Proficient in Math: 35% | Distinguished in Math: 23%
Students and staff can search the OCHS Library catalog from any device. Optionally, students and staff can log into Destiny Discover using the Oldham County Board of Education SSO button located on the sign-in page on Destiny.
By signing in, students can not only search for books but leave reviews, provide recommendations, place books on holds and check their accounts to see what books are checked out and when they are due back to the library.
SORA by Overdrive is the e-book platform Oldham County Schools utilizes for our eBook collection. We have over 3000 titles that include digital and audio books. Students can read books on their Chromebook, any computer, as well as with the SORA app on any Apple or Android device.
Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL) is a consortium of nearly 300 member institutions, including public libraries, public and private K12 schools and districts, college and university libraries, hospitals, and more. Membership enables member institutions to link their users to high-quality information at substantial savings. Students can access this resource at school or at home by signing in with their school Google account. Just a few of the resources available on KYVL are:
STLP is the Student Technology Leadership Program. It is an opportunity for students to showcase a variety of skills, interests, hobbies and passions all with an emphasis on utilizing digital tools. OCHS provides the opportunity for students to submit original work - either created independently or through a class to showcase & compete against other high school students across the state of Kentucky.
Some of the submission categories are:
Students interested in STLP Project submissions, please see Ms. O'Brien for more information.